The crown has had favor on us lowly peasants and have allowed some churches to open if they follow the rules. How did we get here? What does it mean for us that we allow the government to dictate how we worship? Nick goes through a popular Brett McCracken article.
“Church, Don’t Let Coronavirus Divide You” by Brett McCracken:
“Church Should Make You Feel Uncomfortable” by Brett McCracken:
“Nothing on Your Phone Can Replace Church” by Brett McCracken:
Tom Woods Show ep. 1648:
“A Box Full of Sharp Objects” by The Used:
A couple of different topics to get into today. A brief snapshot of the biblical theology of the Book of Leviticus, and then we...
Today we are joined by Nick Quient, a New Testament scholar and pastor. He gives us an overview of the Book of Philemon. Some...
Is anarchism really at odds with the Bible? Nick gets into Romans 13 and attempts to answer that question in the first of this...