How do we know there’s a God? How do we know anything at all? How do we give a defense for our hope while holding Christ as holy in our hearts? On this episode, you’ll learn the fundamentals of presuppositional apologetics and how to answer unbelievers
“Presuppositionalism: Stated and Defended” by Greg Bahnsen:
“Van Til’s Apologetic” by Greg Bahnsen:
“Covenantal Apologetics” by K. Scott Oliphint:
Apologetics Playlist from Apologia Studios:
Sye Ten Bruggencate’s “Answer Anyone Apologetics”:
Getting a stick-and-poke tattoo by my brilliant friend, Sam Blanden. We talk about presuppositional apologetics, freewill, Sam’s conversion story, and HELL.
Everything has an agenda. It’s our responsibility to recognize it and identify it, and examine what our own agenda is as well. Survey:
In the third part of our three part series, Trevor shares about God’s sovereignty over his health, and about the fallen condition of life...