This week on the show we’re celebrating our one year anniversary! The one year anniversary spectacular! With theology, and celebration, and pageantry, and all kinds of things, baby! All sorts of stuff on the best... anniversary... best one year anniversary episode ever. End of the year spectacular best episode ever. 100 years. Best episode of 100 years. 100 more years of episodes.
On this episode we talk about the six most fundamentals of The Death of Death, and an intro to postmillennialism! Thank you to everyone for listening over the last year.
Jeff Durbin on Eschatology:
“Kingdom Come” by Sam Storms:
Postmillennial Worldview, the blog by Kenneth Gentry:
Nick talks about the fallacy that almost never is, and reminds you he’s always been right about everything. Support the show on Patreon:
Do you feel like your knowledge of the Holy Spirit is lacking? Sometimes, in order to grow in this area, it’s as easy as...
The Bible is structured by the covenants God has made with his people throughout history. Today, Nick gives an overview of covenant theology with...