Welcome back! After a long hiatus, Nick is back to share about his new book, Black Threads, and to talk about the major thematic elements of it, such as contradiction, faith, justice, and the longing for oblivion.
Follow this link to purchase a copy of your very own: https://www.amazon.com/Black-Threads-Nick-Steward/dp/B0BMX1G5FN/ref=sr_1_1?crid=265FRKW7DZZPG&keywords=nick+steward&qid=1672964209&sprefix=nick+steward,aps,204&sr=8-1
A lot of high-profile Christians have been leaving the faith or deconstructing their beliefs. How and why does this happen, and how important is...
Nick Quient joins us to talk about 1 Corinthians 15: Resurrection, Christ’s victory over sin, and the DEATH OF DEATH. “The Perfection of Our...
One of the most unique things about the Christian worldview is resurrection. It’s “the belief behind the belief” permeating all of Christian doctrine. Nick...