Latest Episodes
44: Spooky Tales from Church History (That Seems Like a Lot of Popes) (Elect Exclusive #8)
We have a Patreon exclusive for you today! Originally a Halloween episode, we tell a few creepy stories. A floating hand in the book...
43: Why the Death of Death?
Today we get into the concept of the death of death, and a little bit of history about the show.
42: The Death of Babylon
Today on the show we talk about how Babylon symbolizes death in the book of Jeremiah. We talk about how God often uses nations...
41: Exposing the False Religion
In 2020, politics began to affect the every day lives of everyone in the country. How should we think about these things, posture ourselves,...
40: Paul's Apologetic
We’ve been learning a lot about presuppositional apologetics lately, but does Paul actually preach that way in Athens? Today on the show we dive...
39: Abraham's Two Covenants
Nick talks about the journey people take when they discover reformed theology. When we finally make it all the way to confessional reformed theology,...